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14 Day Healthy Spine Qi Gong
In this course you will learn a form to revitalize your whole body, especially your back & spine. Ensuring you have a healthy spine makes sense, when you think about it, because your spine is the key to holding your spinal cord, nerves and internal organs together. We look after our hair and teeth and get check ups at the doctors for all sorts of things, but what about our trusty spine?
Laojia Yilu
In der Taiji-Form lernen wir die Taiji Prinzipien richtig umzusetzen. Dabei trainieren wir u.a. Aspekte wie Kœrperhaltung, Energiefluss, Balance, Kraft, Konzentrationsfæhigkeit und Kœrperbeherrschung. Der Geist kommt dabei durch die meditativen Bewegungen zur Ruhe und kann sich wieder vollstændig vom Alltag erholen. Laojia Yilu, auch alter Rahmen erste Form genannt, ist die ælteste bekannte Taiji-Form.
Taiji 18er Form
Tai chi training involves five elements, solo hand and weapon forms, neigong and qigong (breathing, movement and awareness exercises and meditation), tuishou (response drills) and sanshou (self defense techniques). While tai chi is typified by some for its slow movements, many styles teach partner exercises known as pushing hands, and martial applications of the postures of different forms.